Cyber Forensics
The Bureau has a team of specialized digital forensic experts who support law enforcement, financial institutions, criminal and forensic investigations, corporate bodies, legal professionals or firms, and private individuals in the retrieval, of evidence in a legally accepted manner that can be relied upon in any legal proceeding.
The digital forensic services cover areas including;
Specialized Cyber Forensics Services
1Forensic Investigations
e-Crime Bureau offers specialised digital forensic services that involve the analysis of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) on electronic devices, such as desktop computers, laptops, external hard drives and USB devices. The Bureau is resourced with certified professionals in digital forensics who work around the clock in cases of cyber fraud or breach. We have invested heavily in the latest digital forensic technology to ensure that investigations that require the acquisition of digital evidence from complicated systems or networks are obtained for clients.
2Digital Forensics Lab Setup
The Bureau has been assisting institutions at the government and corporate levels to develop in-house capabilities in digital forensics by assisting them establish digital forensic laboratories and tools which will aid in investigations. Our support has also included identifying and providing digital forensics software and hardware equipment/tools and technical support to ensure the organisations can fully and effectively utilise the Lab. We are capable to develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to guide digital forensic lab operations.
3Expert Witness & Litigation Support
As digital forensic professionals, our Team of Digital Forensics Experts have continuously responded to requests by clients to appear before the courts of law to provide expert witness testimonies on legal and civil dispute matters concerning forensic investigation reports submitted. Our appearances over the years have been predominantly in cyber and financial crime cases, civil litigation and for the legal team of the claimant or the respondent or any representative.
4Data Recovery
Our Team of Digital Forensics Professionals have continuously assisted organisations and individuals to recover data from devices or storage media that are usually considered “unrecoverable” by other institutions. All recovery processes are performed in our state-of-the-art Digital Forensic Lab. Our service in this area has saved institutions and individuals, valuable business data and many other files that many clients faced difficulties to retrieve.
Data Recovery
The Bureau has supported security/law enforcement, law firms and corporate institutions to plan, discover, interpret, manage and leverage raw data into discovery intelligence.
Cybercrime & Digital Evidence Consulting
e-Crime Bureau specialises in using the latest digital forensic tools to identify, preserve and analyse electronic data involved in a cybercrime incident.